Le Mas de Cure Bourse

Old Post House from XVIII century, Le Mas de Cure Bourse is now a three stars charming hotel and a gourmet restaurant.

This strange name, "Cure Bourse" is reminiscent of the traps that the travellers of old times have been through.

Nowadays, Karine et Sophie Bajolle and their team welcome you with happiness :

"Welcoming someone means to ensure his happiness during the whole time he is under your roof”
Anthelme Brillat Savarin.

News & Promos

Relaxation and well being stay

You want to treat yourself and let go, this stay is made for you ...  Rate for 2 people: - 295 € - From October 1st to March 31th - 305 € - From April 1st to September 30th   City taxe at 1.76 € per p [...]

Contact & access

120 Chemin de la Serre
84800 L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue

Email : contact@masdecurebourse.com

+33(0)4 90 38 16 58

Links & partners

Qualité Tourisme
Qualité Tourisme
Isle sur la Sorgue Tourisme
The Fork
Fait Maison